Our Philosophy at Montessori Kindergarten
“The secret of good teaching is to regard a child’s intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of learning imagination. Our aim is to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorise, but to so touch their imagination as to enthuse them to their inner most core. We do not want complacent pupils but eager ones, emotional as well as physical, and for most offer grand and lofty ideas to the human mind” – Maria Montessori
- We aim to provide our children with opportunities to express their ideas and interest, using their voices to collaborate with their peers and educators, that will build a strong and unique curriculum that focuses on children’s interests.
- We believe children should be provided with an environment that is safe and secure, through supervision
- We believe each child is a unique individual and are provided with opportunities to make choices reflecting their individual capabilities and interests.
- Children’s voices will be the forefront of decision making in curriculum planning and programming.
- We believe in inclusion of children’s cultural beliefs, diverse values and intellectual development
- We value a cultivating an inclusive, supportive, sustainable and stimulating learning environment. The environment aims to spark imagination and creativity and offers ample opportunities for problem solving and to nurture independence. Collaboration amongst children, families and educators is significant part of our curriculum and planning.
- We believe all staff should be provided with professional development, We aim to provide support through ongoing training and development to ensure we give staff the opportunity to grow.
- We believe fostering children’s learning through play based experiences to provide children the opportunity to choice their opinions and foster children’s learning through the Early Years Learning Framework.
- We believe working collaboratively with families, children, educators and the community to develop strong and entrusting relationships which embed our values of respect, honesty, integrity, developmental growth and unity